Vivobarefoot Primus Trail FG

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The Primus Trail FG is a neutral zero drop trail running shoe by Vivobarefoot.

It went on sale in 2017. Its support type is designated as neutral, meaning that it's designed for runners with neutral pronation.

Based on our monitoring of prices across the internet, it's currently in the cheapest 20% of running shoes today.

Vivobarefoot Primus Trail FG alternatives

Vivobarefoot Primus Trail FG characteristics and specifications

SportsRunning (+2053)
TerrainTrail (+534)
UsagesDaily running (+1135)
BrandVivobarefoot (+9)
Support TypeNeutral (+1607)
Pronation TypeNeutral pronation (+1582)
Strike TypeFore/Midfoot strike (+1116)
Arch TypeHigh arch (+1529)
Shoe TypeLightweight (+410)Low drop (+277)Zero drop (+95)
ColorwaysAtlantic Blue, Black, Black Black Charcoal, Blue, Glowing Ember, Grey, Obsidian
Specificationsvs Average
Nov 2017
198 g
Heel to toe drop

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Tom Green
February 18, 2025 at 9:55 AM
Gunnersbury parkrun #230 (my #3️⃣4️⃣)
πŸ“Š Stats by geerly πŸ‘Ÿ πŸ”₯ Streak: 9 | ✈️ Tourist streak: 3 πŸ•’ Official time: 00:22:45 | Course PB 🚨 🏁 Overall position: 35/549 🚹 Gender position: 21/299 🎯 Age grade: 61%